Background Checks: Just The First Step For Applicants Who Work With Children

Written exclusively for My Community Workplace for Religious Organizations

A pastor in Fairport, Virginia, was charged with 19 counts of sexual abuse, including 10 counts of forcible sodomy and eight counts of indecent liberties with a child while in a custodial role. The accused was also charged with aggravated sexual battery, according to the Richmond County Sheriff's Office in Warsaw.

The defendant has been the lead pastor of a church in Reedville, Virginia, since October 2022.

According to a recording of an ordination sermon on the church's website, preached in January 2023, the defendant had been "vetted."

He was described as having a background in special education, mental health, substance abuse counseling, and higher education. The accused had studied youth ministry, worked at the YMCA in Lynchburg, served as a youth leader at another church in Montross, Virginia, and had been an interim pastor, as well as a youth pastor.

Sheila Stogsdill "Virginia Pastor Charged with Forcible Sodomy and Child Sexual Abuse," (Aug. 10, 2024).

Commentary and Checklist

Background checks are very important, but just one of many steps. A background check will only reveal criminal convictions, but many predators have never been detected over the years and have victimized countless children in many religious workplaces.

It is also important to check social media as well as references from people who have worked with the applicant, including people they may have served. For child safe environments, applicants must be screened specifically for whether they are safe to be with children.

We do not know the details of how the accused accessed the children or how he groomed them, if proven, but it is important for vigilant safe adults to be able to recognize the signs a person is a possible perpetrator:

  • A desire to be with children/students or one particular child/student without other adults present
  • Goes to great lengths to build trust with children/students and adults around them
  • Looks for and/or creates opportunities to be with children/students away from parents and other adults
  • Provides gifts, money, or attention to children/students without parent, caregiver, or organization knowledge and/or consent
  • Takes and collects images of children/students not related to them
  • Acts like a child/student and does child-like things to receive attention from children/students
  • Prefers the company of children/students to adults and/or is uncomfortable around adults
  • Wants children/students to view them as preferable over other adults
  • Fixates on one or a few children/students while ignoring others
  • Gives special permissions, such as, increasing grades without merit, allowing students to sleep in class, or allowing children to bend organizational rules
  • Asking a student to stay after class alone without other adults/students present
  • Communicates directly to children/students online or other means without parent, caregiver, and/or employer knowledge
  • Disrespects or demeans parents, caregivers, and other adults to children/students
  • Frequently touches children/students, sexually or otherwise
  • Makes sexual comments or uses sex speak around children/students
  • Makes comments to children/students about their bodies or appearance
  • Views, stores, and shows pornography to minors
  • Provides alcohol or drugs to children/students or permits children/students to abuse alcohol or drugs in their presence
  • Has coercive sexual fantasies
  • Is impulsive and has antisocial tendencies
  • Prefers impersonal sex
  • Is hostile toward women
  • Has a childhood history of sexual or physical abuse
  • Talks about sexual activities regarding children, students, or teens
  • Encourages children/students to keep secrets
  • Requests adult partners to dress or act like a child/student during sex
  • Identifies children/students using sexual slang terms
  • Frequently visits places where children/students are present
  • Loiters in places where children/students are nude, semi-nude or can be viewed without notice, such as, bathrooms and locker rooms
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