Are Your Employees Missing Work Because Of Work-Related Stress? You Make The Call

A United Kingdom study of 2000 workers, The Work-Life Boundary Gap Report, recently concluded that the balance between work and life is skewed. The report states that 93 percent of employees believe there must be balance between work and life, but only 67 percent can switch away from work - leaving an imbalance.

The report goes on to claim that the imbalance is responsible for stress and that employees took 5.4 days of sick leave in the last year because of stress, anxiety or burnout. (Sept. 15, 2024).

So, the question for our readers is: Are your employees missing more than 5.4 days of work because of work-related stress?

Please take the poll. Here is the opinion of one of the McCalmon editorial staff:

Jack McCalmon, Esq.

I would say less…a lot less, but I wouldn't know because we do not inquire why someone is missing work. It should also be noted that the work is only one point of stress. Outside relationships, money, illness of a loved one and other stress creators exist outside of work that can lead to missed workdays. 

You can answer our poll. Please note any comments provided may be shared with others. 

Finally, your opinion is important to us. Please complete the opinion survey:

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