What Triggers A Duty To Report Student Sexual Abuse?
A school district is accused of having multiple warnings of student sexual abuse by a teacher, but not reporting it. What triggers the duty to report? We examine and provide a checklist.
Are Your Working Parents Suffering From Parent Guilt? You Make The Call
A new study claims "parent guilt" is not only real for some employees, but a real risk for employee retention. What do you think?
You make the call and join the conversation.
Is Inexperience An Excuse For Employee Embezzlement?
An employee steals from her religious employer, but says she "lacked accounting experience". We look at the facts and provide some hiring best practices.
Use Common Sense Cybersecurity To Limit Access And Exposure To Malware
A particularly nasty malware strain is reemerging, and defense models are offered to counter. We discuss one way to limit exposure that is just common sense cybersecurity.